| S'INFOS EN DIRECT DE HH(HAMBOURG) LE 30.11.08.FanParty. | |
| | Auteur | Message |
Gustavettelovegusgus483 Modératrice
Nombre de messages : 3197 Age : 36 Localisation : Dans les bras de Gus entrain de me réchauffer dans ces bras avec c'est tendre baiser dans sa chambre. Emploi/loisirs : Masseuse.Entrain de masser Gus avec des bisous sur son tatoo dans sa chambre d'hôtel. Date d'inscription : 12/02/2008
| Sujet: S'INFOS EN DIRECT DE HH(HAMBOURG) LE 30.11.08.FanParty. Lun 1 Déc - 1:59 | |
| Ce que je marque n'est pas forcément vrai. Je le trouve sur internet,MAIS CERTIAN TRUC LES S'INFOS VIENT EN DIRECT DE LA BAS A LA FËTEPARTY. [/b] En gros c'est le bordel, les garçons sont dans un local fermé & 3 numéros ont été tirés & les personnes ont le droit d'aller avec eux, ou je n'sais plus trop quoi
citation :
des fans seraient passer sans ticket car elle connaitrait des gens du staff
le staff passe parmis les fan avec des papier blancs.Elles ont toute un numéro unique sur leur bracelet
"Les TH étaient la , ils on annoncés un prix. Je n'ai pas tout compris XD. Mais tout le monde criais et sifflais."
Ils sont toujours là. Font un tirage au sort pour quelques cadeaux. Etaient à l'étage regarder les fans faire la fête.
cest comme dans une fosse c'est dingue les garçons sont toujours dans la pièce les fans se montent dessus et se poussent
Dans une heure et demie, ils vont rencontrer des fans. Ils regarderont aussi le DVD. Je parle en ce moment même au téléphone et Bill dessine les gagnants pour les IIs
les cadeaux serait des console wii apparemment
Les garçons sont comme des animaux en cage dans un zoo. C'est triste a voir. Il y a au moins 500 appareil photos qui prennent des photos non stop d'eux.
Ils sont en train de gagné les WII et de regarder le DVD (les fan)
Beaucoup de chaos. Les fans s'évanouissent. Ça ressemble aux garçons qui prennent des photos avec les fans derrière un rideau. On ne peut pas voir ce qui se passe.
"Ah ha : Gustav danse et saute partout , il tape des mains au dessus de sa tête et entraine les fans (a faire pareil). Les fans vont se mettre a pogoter (XD)."
Apparement Gustav saute comme un fou et fait faire la hola
Les 3 personnes tirées au sort on gagné une wii. C'était pas une rencontre avec le groupe.
La sécurité est choqué par l'hystérie! Apparement ils ont du mal à faire garder le calme et des groupies seraient allées jusqu'à monter au tribunes
apparement maintenant ils balanceraient des objets du merchandising dans la foule .
Gustav serrais aussi a parament parti
Natalie est avec les jumeaux aussi. Quand Bill ne parle pas avec Tom, il parle à Natalie. Il y a 10 gardes entre les Fans et le groupe. Aucune (falsification fainters) n'arrive près du groupe, s'ils ont fait semblant.
Bill et Tom ont passé la plupart de leurs temps pour parler avec l'un l'autre. Les agents de sécurité crient.
les fans garçons sont ici.
apparement il y aurait des nanas qui font semblant de faire des malaises pour passer devant eux
Georg est aussi parti
Ils sont tous partis.
ils paraitrait qu'ils ( les th) sont partis mais elles savent pas où
Ils n'ont pas fait de photo avec les fans
c'est fini je crois les garçons sont parti
Ils sont vraiment partis -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
UN FAN EN DIRECT SUR MSN TEL DE LA FËTE PARTY une fille sur Msn elle est en contact avec des filles là bas( C'EST VRAI) : Bibi dit : more news Bibi dit : For 'party that inside she says q is all a parody, they are sitting back to the fans of the Gustav if we have gone a lot of fun, so' there remain the Bill, Tom and Georg. In the case of fainting lot of the fans as to pretend to pass out just because they pass close to the TH Bibi dit : Gustav left the party. Bibi dit : that first thing i don't get.
Bibi dit : Twins are sitting in a corner talking to each other. they do not talk to the fans. Closest fans are like seven feet away. Music is LOUD. No conversation possible with the band. TV is filming everything
TRADUC:Les jumeaux sont assis dans un coin et ils se parlent les uns aux autres. ils ne parlent pas aux fans. La musique est fort. Pas de conversation possible avec le groupe. La tv est en train de tout film.
En gros la fanparty est filmé
Gustav a dit qu'il s'était amusé et qu'ensuite il était fatigué et il est sorti.
Bibi dit : Natalie is with the twins as well. When Bill is not talking with Tom, he is talking to Natalie. There are 10 guards between the fans and the band. No faking fainters are getting near the band, if they faked. Bibi dit : They are shooting them material to the crowd. Bill and Tom spent most of his time to talk with each other. The security guards are screaming.
en gros nathalie est avec les jumeaux bill ne parle qu'avec tom il y a dix gardes du corps entre le groupe et les fans la sécurité sont en train de crier bill et tom ont passé la plus part de leur temps à parler entre eux et avec les autres membres
Dernière édition par Gustavettelovegusgus483 le Lun 1 Déc - 17:11, édité 3 fois | |
| | | BillounetteTH Modératrice
Nombre de messages : 473 Age : 38 Localisation : dans les bras d'un Bel androgyne en train de faire bronzette,en lisant Twilight dans un champ ac Gus Emploi/loisirs : Modératrice/regarder le piercing et le lycra de Billou lol ^^ Date d'inscription : 13/02/2008
| Sujet: Re: S'INFOS EN DIRECT DE HH(HAMBOURG) LE 30.11.08.FanParty. Lun 1 Déc - 2:03 | |
| super ta dernière phrase Non mais franchement j'hallucine c'est quoi ce comportement pourri qu'elles ont eux c'est nul!!!! | |
| | | Invité Invité
| Sujet: Re: S'INFOS EN DIRECT DE HH(HAMBOURG) LE 30.11.08.FanParty. Lun 1 Déc - 2:09 | |
| Trop fort ta dernière phrase Chacha!!! T'assure!
Punaise tu m'étonnes c'est minable d'avoir fait ça. C'était la course a qui les approcherait! Ils font une soirée pour remercier les fans et celles qui y vont n'ont pas l'intelligence de les respecter! |
| | | Gustavettelovegusgus483 Modératrice
Nombre de messages : 3197 Age : 36 Localisation : Dans les bras de Gus entrain de me réchauffer dans ces bras avec c'est tendre baiser dans sa chambre. Emploi/loisirs : Masseuse.Entrain de masser Gus avec des bisous sur son tatoo dans sa chambre d'hôtel. Date d'inscription : 12/02/2008
| Sujet: Re: S'INFOS EN DIRECT DE HH(HAMBOURG) LE 30.11.08.FanParty. Mar 2 Déc - 2:11 | |
| | | Gustavettelovegusgus483 Modératrice
Nombre de messages : 3197 Age : 36 Localisation : Dans les bras de Gus entrain de me réchauffer dans ces bras avec c'est tendre baiser dans sa chambre. Emploi/loisirs : Masseuse.Entrain de masser Gus avec des bisous sur son tatoo dans sa chambre d'hôtel. Date d'inscription : 12/02/2008
| Sujet: Re: S'INFOS EN DIRECT DE HH(HAMBOURG) LE 30.11.08.FanParty. Mar 2 Déc - 20:03 | |
| Le vrai du faux des rumeurs de la Fan Party Draculina a écrit: "We're inside now, We've gotten pink bracelets. There is a line going down the stares. We're one of the first people. We're dying."
Vrai. Pour les bracelets roses. Sö a écrit: From THA
"Some in the german FC are telling that people without tickets may be allowed / have already been allowed (?) to enter because only 300 tickets winners showed up !"
Faux. Il y avait 6 points de check. T'es pas sur la liste, tu rentrais pas. Sö a écrit: I just talked on the phone with my friend who is there with her brother.She said she was one of the girls quarelling against some german chick. They were insulting one another.
I didn't know what to say to my friend, she was like "those bitches believes we have no right to be here, so I answered and then we had a verbal fight, Quentin said nothing, he didn't even lift a finger"
those are not exactly her words but i wrote as much as i remembered. She wanted to hear me agreeing with her so baddly, but i said nothing. Now, I feel kinda bad.
I can't call her again because there is no more credit in my phone and my mom would kill me if i used the phone at home @____@ (En gros c'est une fille qui s'est battue. Rien de bien interessant mais bon).
J'ai pas vu de gens se battre x)
Citation: • Partout où il ya le chaos, il ya beaucoup de fans qui n'ont pas de billet sont inutilement et de faire avancer.
Citation: • Selon certains qu'il y avait un "conflit" en allemand et en français fans. Quelqu'un a dit aux fans ont commencé à crier de la France qui n'ont pas signé pour la concurrence qu'ils ont beaucoup de TH performances, de sorte qu'ils devraient donner l'espace à d'autres ...
La soirée était internationale et très calme. Il n'y a pas eu de cris (sauf apparition des 4 gars) ni de dispute, en tout cas, pas quand j'étais là.
Citation: • Ils disent que d'un ventilateur sont effondrés, mais je n'ai pas été si difficile à dire ...
Venant de Google traduction, je suppose que ça veux dire "fans" et pas ventilateur. Alcool chaleur Tokio Hotel = Filles dans les vapes et security guard morts de rire x)
Citation: bon alors d'après Carrie...
c'est une photo avec chaque fan et ils signent et basta
Faux. Ils n'ont fait de photos avec personne.
Citation: A fan who's in the party said that they will perform.
Si vous considérez que Bill qui fait sa chaudasse ou Gus qui dance est "perform" okeye.
"I asked if she knew something about TH perfoming and she said:
I don't know. the autographs will take a lot of time. We're inside a room with music and stuff. "
Vrai. Open Bar en plus.
Citation: Good atmosphere among fans here, people are calm and well-behaving. Random screaming from red light room now and then.
Vrai. Et la "red light room" était juste avant la salle où il y avait la séance de dédi, donc, pas devant le groupe =)
Sheurlait a écrit: Citation: Girls from Lithuania just worte to me that "we saw TH just for a few seconds, I gave our presents to Bill and that's all. Now we are drinking beer for free. It's a shit."
Cécile * a écrit: Apparemment ils ont pas fait de photos avec tout le monde, de même pour les autographes. Et il y aurait une salle fermé où ils sont... Et ils auraient observé les fans comme dans un zoo Oo Mais bon c'est peut être la traduction de google du Tchèque qui est fausse. Bref, c'est des trucs que j'ai trouvé sur un site Tchèque.
Ils ont juste signé et pas fait de photos. Ils étaient derrière une table ^^ Et après, ils sont venu dans la même pièce que nous pendant ou - 1h. Ils ont joué à la Wii, bu diverses boissons, un peu dancer pour rigoler entre eux, Bill a parlé 2x dans le micro.
Lula a écrit: "Ah ah : Gustav dancing and jumping around, slapping hands over his head cheering the fans on. Fans go beserk."
Vrai ^^
- "Seul 300 personnes des 500 gagnants sont présents , ils vont donc combler avec les fans présentes .. " >> Pas sur, vue qu'il y a une autre info qui dit le contraire.
Citation: - Le nouveau DVD passe sur grand écran
Faux, il y avait des images, comme une pub.
Citation: - Ils font gagnés des Wii aux fans
Vrai ^^
Citation: - Il y a eu pas mal de malaises
Vrai -_-' Citation: - Bill a les cheveux plats: lissés
Vrai Citation: - Tom est en Addidas
Vrai et c'était très moche =D
En vert les réponses de Zak0uskii pour http://tokiohotel-belgium.zikforum.com elle a bien résumé, j'ai vu exactement la même chose Trouver sur la PO. | |
| | | Gustavettelovegusgus483 Modératrice
Nombre de messages : 3197 Age : 36 Localisation : Dans les bras de Gus entrain de me réchauffer dans ces bras avec c'est tendre baiser dans sa chambre. Emploi/loisirs : Masseuse.Entrain de masser Gus avec des bisous sur son tatoo dans sa chambre d'hôtel. Date d'inscription : 12/02/2008
| Sujet: Re: S'INFOS EN DIRECT DE HH(HAMBOURG) LE 30.11.08.FanParty. Mar 2 Déc - 20:10 | |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Everything about the fan party THA Staff: Hello. It's us. There will be texts and images from within the party, outside the party, everything party party party party. We have a lot of people providing live on the spot news. The moderators have permission to kick your butt while all the admins are gone so... watch out for them. Oooh, I think they have whips.
THA Staff: No, all of reden's whips were given to the moderators. The situation outside the venue is expected to be a CELEBRATION! THA Staff: Are there arrangements for the fans outside? Besides the toilets I mean... Fire hoses.
Rainy's friend: - When she was on the train to Hamburg from the airport, the whole train was Austrian Tokio Hotel fans -There will definitely be thousands of people there (we all knew that). There are already tons from Austria alone. -The location is absolutely beautiful. Today they were building stuff and setting up. They put a lot of portable toilets for the fans that will be outside, for example. LOL. - At the hotel she is staying, just at this one hotel, there are at least 100 fans from France, Czech, Germany, and Austria. They are having a blast. THA Staff: So many fans at The Icebar where they had their birthday. Whew. Sightings: WetKaulitz, Onerva, Vanny? Sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep now. THA Staff: Leaving our hotel now, heading downtown. No idea what to expect. That's sick the twins needed police to leave home. THA Staff: Went by the venue this morning, people were already outside then. One girl said she will break a window if she has to to get in. Did not tell her we had tickets. Rainy's friend: There are only around 80 people here right now. And police. It's so f***ing cold omg. THA Staff @ 3:48pm: We're here. It's raining, it's freezing, we are going to get something to eat. Andy - CZ groupie -Everywhere there is chaos, there is a lot of fans who do not have a ticket and are unnecessarily pushing forward. -Although not exactly summer weather, some girls in the vest and minisukýnkách -According to some that there was a "conflict" German and French fans. -Someone said to the fans began to shout from France that did not sign up for the competition that they have a lot of TH performances, so they should give space to other ... -They say that a fan collapsed, but there I was not so difficult to say ... -There is a lot of "confusing" looking parents and also the police and security. ForgottenChild @ swedish THF: We are standing outside now and look inside the windows and we are 99 % sure that we saw Gustav. Rainy's friend. 4:41, Hamburg time: They just started letting people in. There are a few hundred people without tickets here. LOTS of police, and Tobi, Stephan, and Calli from security. THA Staff @ 4.48pm: Going to the party now. Hehe Rainy's friend. 4:48, Hamburg time There are people from Health Care handing out tea, at least. THA Staff @ 4.56pm: We're outside still. There's a barricade fence. Seems to be no line formed. Lots of fans wtihout tickets. THA Staff @ 4.59pm: They are letting people in insanely slow. Like 2 people per minute. From swedish THF: Its getting really slow, but we're almost inside. Some fans have tried to get in with FALSE tickets. Theres a girl who says that one German girl and one Spanish girl are fighting!!!! THA Staff @ 5.10pm: Not moved in 15 minutes. Lots of older fans. From swedish THF: We're inside now, We've gotten pink bracelets. There is a line going down the stares. We're one of the first people. We're dying. THA Staff @ 5.18pm: A guard is taking the fans from the ticketcheck to the door. It sometimes takes 3-4 minutes between people. German FC Someone are telling that people without tickets may be allowed/have already been allowed (?) to enter because only 300 tickets winners showed up! THA Staff @ 5.21pm: This is really badly organized. It is taking a long time to let people in. HelloKitty @ swedish THF They started to let ppl in for 20 mins ago. tokiohotelismusic's friend We're getting closer then I asked her where and she answerd: In to a room... Who knows what's going to happen THA Staff @ 5.49pm: We got past ticket check. Now, second line. THA Staff @ 5.52pm: Security is shouting in German. Not everyone understands. THA Staff @ 5.54pm: We're still outside, right before second check. It's freezing. It take place downstairs. Hear random screamings from inside. THA Staff @ 5.56pm: WE'RE GOING IN! Bracelets! Wardrobe! THA Staff @ 6.03pm: Downstairs now. Big line here too. Can't see what's ahead of us. Red light in the room. We're lining up. Looks like pornclub. Hehe. Fans screaming. THA Staff @ 6.04pm: I will make it my duty to find out about Bill's hair. Trust me. Very loud here. tokiohotelismusic's friend @ 6.08pm We're outisde a room now, TH is probably there. From thforum.net @ 6.18pm Yay we're in. We can see the boys and there's a lot of light tokiohotelismusic's friend @ 6.20pm Omg, we got autopraghs, everything went by so fast. so sick, I'm shaking, they are so pretty, no perfect! Oh and we've got redbull too! THA Staff @ 6.23pm: Someone from here is not even through the second check point yet. tokiohotelismusic's friend @ 6.29pm I asked if she knew something about TH perfoming and she said: I don't know. the autographs will take a lot of time. We're inside a room with music and stuff. THA Staff @ 6.30pm: Line inside goes slow or not moving. Can't tell. Good atmosphere among fans here, people are calm and well-behaving. Random screaming from red light room now and then THA Staff @ 6.40pm: In line for signing! THA Staff @ 6.43pm: Five people ahead of us and then we are in the porn red room Someone on the party: They give autographs at the entrance of the building and the bar is too small (': TOM IS WEARING SEXY CLOTHES. 8D. THA Staff @ 6.44pm: They are showint the DVD on the Big TV Screen THA Staff @ 6.47pm: People ask if is the new DVD Yes, the new one THA Staff @ 7.02pm: Just got my autograph! OMG, it went by so fast! They were all very nice and looked so relax! Bill doesn't have hair cut, just floofy hair. THA Staff @ 7.05pm: Sorry, wrong info. Bill has black tshirt with metal ringlets all over the front. Tom had a white Adidas jacket THA Staff @ 7.06pm: Tom has his hair like normal, with cap. by Ssamedi Girls from Lithuania just worte to me that "we saw TH just for a few seconds, I gave our presents to Bill and that's all. Now we are drinking beer for free. It's a shit." German FC They are there. Some white sofas, where they will probably sit. (I have no idea how it will be) and you can get to see them. And inside there are many to drink before falling to the side. You can take pictures. But so far neither half of the fans passed through the autograph session. The logo of TH is projected on the wall! THA Staff @ 7.20pm: Some of the fans without tickets have gotten in. THA Staff @ 7.21pm: The usual suspects THA Staff @ 7.26pm: LOL! Wetkaulitz! mirre's friend Just received an sms from my friend who's there! The fans are dancing with eachother and the signing is over, it went SO fast, she said! Too fast! She don't think that they will show up more tonight! THA Staff @ 7.37pm: Tom's smile was amazing. German FC @ 7.48pm: The boys decide where they want to go. they were standing by the couches and the fans are downstairs. The fans are apparently partying downstairs. the boys are upstairs and watching the fans party. They are a floor higher then the fans THA Staff @ 7.50pm: At the moment it is like a club and people are dancing. THA Staff @ 7.53pm: No stage here unless it's in another room which they will open later. There's a closed off corner in the club, some think the band will come out and sit there because they will at least be at the party but can't be molested by fans, only ogled at like animals in a zoo. THA Staff @ 8.03pm: The music is bad. The DJ should be shot. They are playing Katy Perry. THA Staff @ 8.06pm: Something is about to happen. Don't know what. So crowded. Room is small. Security is in the corner. THA Staff @ 8.14pm: Music: Now is Summer of 69 by Bryan Adams. Music is okay. Room is in different height levels and peculiarly constructed. One fourth is sealed off with a iron fence. Everyone is just staring over there. Now Kid Rock is playing. THTV is here as well as journalists and photographers. THA Staff @ 8.21pm: Clubstaff just walked partway with hundreds of small white pieces of paper. Might be some sweepstakes, we all have unique numbers on our bracelets. tokiohotelismusic's friend @ 8.30pm TH was here, they gave away a price, I didn't understand so much XD. everyone is screaming and squeezing. THA Staff @ 8.30pm Boys just came out. Everyone went nuts. Bill talked and mic and drew and read three tickets and said the # in German and English. They are sitting in the closed off section but it is so crowded and people are climbing on top of each other. Very few can see anything. THA Staff @ 8.30pm It's like a moshpit. It's insane. Boys are still here in the room, fans climbing and pushing on each other. by yuShu@ THS They've just tell me: In a half an hour they're gonna meet the fans. They're watching almost the whole DVD I'm talking by phone right now and Bill is drawing the winners for the WIIs(I'm listening it by phone) THA Staff @ 8.34pm Boys are like caged animals in a zoo. It's weird to see. There are 500 cameras snapping pictures at them non-stop. THA Staff @ 8.37pm Lots of chaos. Fans are fainting. Looks like the boys take pics now with fans behind a curtain. Can't see what's going on. THA Staff @ 8.41pm Can see Tom and Bill behind the string curtain, SO many fans have fainted. People screaming and pushing. THA Staff @ 8.45pm Gustav dancing and jumping around, slapping hands over his head cheering the fans on. Fans go beserk. THA Staff @ 8.48pm Worst pushing in history. Can't feel the floor. At least 50 people have fainted. THA Staff @ 9.03pm Security looks shocked but are doing a great job. If things don't calm down, I bet they leave. Some fans just can't handle them being here. THA Staff @ 9.05pm They are throwing merch into the crowd. Bill and Tom spent most of the time talking to each other. Security is yelling. THA Staff @ 9.07pm Fans have climbed on fence and are standing, no one can see anything anymore. THA Staff @ 9.11pm Music is so loud. Boys have no microphones. If anyone has stripped, it is not per the boy's request. Fans are desperate here for attention. Bill and Tom are talking to each other. THA Staff @ 9.12pm Fans are not that close to the band. German FC ¿? @ 9.17pm For 'party that inside she says q is all a parody, they are sitting back to the fans of the Gustav if we have gone a lot of fun, so' there remain the Bill, Tom and Georg. In the case of fainting lot of the fans as to pretend to pass out just because they pass close to the TH German FC ¿? @ 9.18pm Gustav is no more at the party. THA Staff @ 9.20pm OMFG, yes, fans really fainted. We were lifted OFF the floor by the pushing. The fainted fans were lifted out and taken OUT, not to the band. THA Staff Twins are sitting in a corner talking to each other. they do not talk to the fans. Closest fans are like seven feet away. Music is LOUD. No conversation possible with the band. TV is filming everything. The band did not ask anyone to strip. THA Staff Natalie is with the twins as well. When Bill is not talking with Tom, he is talking to Natalie. There are 10 guards between the fans and the band. No faking fainters are getting near the band, if they faked. Someone at the party They are shooting them material to the crowd.Bill and Tom spent most of his time to talk with each other. The security guards are screaming. THA Staff Lots of fanboys here.
XaNiNHaHh's friend the party sucks and nobody get naked http://www.bill-thotel.piczo.com/?cr=5 | |
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| Sujet: Re: S'INFOS EN DIRECT DE HH(HAMBOURG) LE 30.11.08.FanParty. | |
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